Host a Healing Ritual For Your Group
Trained facilitators in the Dagara tradition will guide your group through an exploration of the Dagara medicine wheel and the indigenous wisdom of Africa. Your group will learn to provide for others while experiencing each element and its healing properties. Our aim is to foster transformation for individuals, their families and communities.
These ritual programs are offered as a single elemental ritual to a full program encompassing all five elements. Ideally, each of these rituals would take place outdoors in a natural and secluded environment. Each, however, can be modified and adapted to an indoor setting.
Host an Elemental Ritual: Indoors or Outdoors

Fire Ritual
The first element of the cosmological wheel, is the mediator between the spirit world and this one, and it is seen as a most potent connection to the realm of spirits. A fire ritual opens the gateway to the world of the ancestors. Its function is to put us humans back on our spiritual track by consuming that which stands between us and purpose. The fire ritual also provides an opportunity to reiterate our commitment to walking our spiritual path.

Water Ritual
Water, the second element of the cosmological wheel is the medicine which brings cleansing, reconciliation, purification, and peacemaking. A lake or river, secluded and accessible, is the ideal place to offer a water ritual. It provides an opportunity to be cleansed of energies that are detrimental to manifesting one’s purpose. A water ritual can also open our psyches to healing and living as peaceful beings.

Earth Ritual
Earth, the third element of the cosmological wheel, is the mother who is inviting us to come home. The purpose of an earth ritual is to provide a sense of belonging, a remembrance of home, and an experience of being grounded in the most literal sense. An earth ritual can be as simple as Lying on the Earth’s Lap (as described in The Healing Wisdom of Africa), and as complex and intense as a ritual burial.

Mineral Ritual
Mineral, the fourth cosmological element, speaks to our bones. Mineral invites us to remember, through ritual, who we are and why we are here. A mineral ritual can help us begin to unlock the mysteries that we carry in our skeletal structure. It can awaken our awareness of the purpose we have come to fulfill in this lifetime.

Nature Ritual
Nature, the fifth cosmological element, asks us to open to transformation in order to realize our purpose. It is the element of ongoing change. The purpose of a nature ritual is to reveal, heal and reinstate our own innermost nature. Nature rituals help people remain focused on their true purpose.
Special Programs for Families
Families (and groups) are encouraged to host an Ancestor Ritual to reconnect and heal the wounds of their bloodlines. Family members will have opportunities to explore their own ancestral stories, starting with known Ancestors (grand parents, great-grand parents, etc.). You will explore the concept of ancestral trauma – problems we face as individuals in this life may be a reflection of, and an attempt to heal, some ancestral trauma or wound that goes back multiple generations. You will learn about the creation of an ancestor shrine, how to use the shrine, and how to talk with their Ancestors, all of which is about building a relationship with those who have gone before.
Programs for Women

Women are very special here at the ECV. The feminine divine is embodied in Mother Earth (Tenbalu) and is an integral part of Dagara cosmology.
We are dedicated to providing opportunities for women from all walks of life to awaken, honor and nurture the Tenbalu [feminine earth] energies. Women’s gatherings not only offer a rich, ritual exploration into the physical, emotional, spiritual and cultural rites of passage that a woman will experience in her lifetime, women also gather together annually to share stories, songs and ritual to create transformation and to feel nurtured in the process.
Psychic Fairs/Diviners Salon

Trained diviners/readers in Dagara-styled divinations are happy to participate in your next psychic fair! We also host diviner’s salons at our location. Salons offer the opportunity to experience a Dagara-styled reading or divination. Check the calendar of events for current listings.