discover ancestral wisdom, nature & HEALING

We are Changing Lives with indigenous african spiritual Science!


The bridge to the land is damaged and needs repair. Your contribution will not only help us rebuild the bridge, but will also enable us to continue building community, offering a safe, inclusive space where everyone can feel welcome.

Welcome to the East Coast Village!


For nearly 20 years, the Ancestral Wisdom Bridge Foundation (also known as the East Coast Village) sought to be a sanctuary for ancient, indigenous wisdom passed down through generations.

Established in 2004, our mission is to empower individuals by reconnecting them with their Ancestors and to Nature, through rituals, healing and community. We offer to the West, African spirit technologies, so long held secret, as tools to enable individuals live more peaceful and empowered lives.

K’a te sankun koro sium a ti tieru
ti kuti zumon Ka ti tuon gnin a ti vla zie to to sao deu.

May all ancestors join force to wake up our spirit and put good thoughts into our psyche. Then we shall see the good that awaits us and accept it.

–Dagara Prayer, translated by Malidoma Somé

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Community gatherings

Every year, the community comes together to honor, celebrate and connect with the shrines and spirits of the land that make our work possible.


Your journey into ancestral wisdom begins with ritual intensives in nature to connect with the healing wisdom of the Ancestors and the elements.

Community OUTREACH

Trained facilitators will share ancestral wisdom tradition at your location. Bring your community together and we will create a program based on your needs.


We are changing lives, one member at at time. We stand as witnesses to the transformation, healing and spiritual growth of our members, friends and visitors to the village. Read just some of our stories. You are invited to write your own story of transformation. We would love to share it!

For nearly two decades we have been changing lives, one member at a time. These are some of their stories. We would love to hear yours soon!

I found my family life would never be the same.

 Here in the Village, people took care of what could not be seen as well as what could be. I got my otherworldly needs met for the first time. The fact that I had gifts was recognized, and in the “enlightened witnessing” of my spiritual gifts I was able to give birth to them. I felt valuable again, and I felt sane.

I learned to set my GPS for home regardless of how far away or how impossible it might seem.

The Dagara tradition has awakened in me the need for initiation in my life and the lives of others wanting to live more fully and more connected. This cosmology has taught me how to receive support from ancestors, the elements, wedame and Spirit in order to face the adversity that is always directed towards me.

Sacred temples that link our community to the motherland of Africa.

Gift yourself the opportunity to experience the sacredness of the Other World while drinking in the sights, sounds and fragrances of the Natural World. Become part of this journey of self-healing and self -nurturing. Come and participate in one of the many ritual experiences we offer.


Current Month


March 29, 2019

Women of all cultures are reclaiming their feminine power and the power of the goddess in the modern era. The sacred feminine or reverence for the divine goddess is one that is universally connected to the Earth, to Nature and to sustenance of life on the planet.

March 29, 2019

Recovering fragmented parts of our essence in this uncompromising world requires catalytic rites of restoration that will touch our deepest soul, awaken our tribal spirit and reclaim the wisdom of the ancient ones.

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Support Our Work

Know that we couldn’t have come this far without the support of our Friends. Your love of nature, spirit, magic, and ancestral connection has anchored the work of this community. Your donation of $25, $50, $100 or more, will go towards supporting the work of the Village, including scholarships and continued upgrades to our facility.  Learn more ways to help. Baraka! Barka! A Thousand Thank Yous!

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