We Offer Both Online and In-person Programs to Promote Ritual, Healing & Community

Please check the  CALENDAR OF EVENTS  for dates,  or go to the CATALOG


The Ritual Healing Village 9-Day Intensive  will open a gateway into the mystical world of indigenous African spirit technologies - the interconnectedness of Ancestors, Nature, Ritual and Community.


The East Coast Village invites you to bring your community, organization, or just you, to experience the healing wisdom of indigenous Africa. 


ANCESTRALIZATION:  Offered annually (tuition required)

The Ancestralization ritual provides a vessel for the spirit of departed loved to rest and "cross over" to the ancestral realm. It also allows for a sense of completion to the those on the earth plane. [ LEARN MORE ]

GRIEF RITUAL: Offered annually (tuition required)

This ritual creates a space of healing following the traditional model of the Dagara grief ritual. It is our hope that it brings the deep sense of release, peace and reconciliation in your life. [ LEARN MORE ]

SHRINE CELEBRATIONS: Offered annually or per anniversary (donations accepted )

These celebrations honor the gateways and shrines at the East Coast Village. They are open to all with no pre-requisites. Unless otherwise indicated, they are usually free to attend. These include:


Special Events & gatherings

The programs below are open to communities and groups to experience the wisdom of Ancestors and Nature.  Ritual Healing Village and Elemental Rituals offer a truly unique and powerful experience for special communities, including veterans, women or men only, youth (16 - 18 years old), BIPOC or special populations who can handle the rigor of being in a rustic environment. They can also mark significant rites of passage for people in transition, including divorce, changes in lifestyle, grief groups and the like.  

If you have a community and would like the ECV to host a program for your group (minimum 15 participants), please contact us to discuss. Send an email to our program team at : events@eastcoastvillage.org or use the [CONTACT FORM BY CLICKING HERE].

Ritual Healing Village

An intensive week-long immersion into radical rituals of fire, water, mineral, earth and nature. [ LEARN MORE...]

Elemental Rituals

These short-term elemental rituals seek to support the community on an individual and communal basis. [LEARN MORE...]

Women's Gathering

These gatherings offer women from all walks of life the chance to honor and nurture the Tenbalu [feminine earth] energy.

Divination Training & Diviners Salon

Trained diviners/readers offer cowry shell divination salons allowing for an experience in this unique form of divination. [LEARN MORE...]


You understand and agree that programs or services offered by the East Coast Village are not to be used as a substitute for professional advice on legal, medical, financial, business, or other matters. You understand that all actions taken or decisions made in these areas based on information provided by the East Coast Village are made at your own discretion and you acknowledge that any decisions or actions undertaken as are for informational purposes only and are undertaken at your own risk and personal responsibility.


Your love of nature, spirit, magic, and ancestral connection has anchored the work of this community. We appreciate your continued support in honoring the healing wisdom of indigenous Africa. Please donate now!

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