You are invited to a transformative, virtual, moon-inspired journey, designed to reconnect women with the ancient rhythms of the lunar cycle.
During this monthly journey, we will embark on a sacred exploration with she-who-cycles-with-the-moon, tapping into the moon’s profound wisdom to empower our lives as women, nurture our well-being, and deepen our connection to sisterhood and the natural world around us.
Note: you may join at anytime, no prerequisite required. The schedule will be posted on a quarterly basis. Simply follow the steps to enroll for each gathering or for the quarter (3 months). After making your donation, be sure to complete the intake form to receive access to the meeting room link. Circles will be held 4PM (EST-NY).
About the Gatherings
When: Please check the CALENDAR as dates are based on the moon cycle
Where: Virtually via Google Meet
Cost: Love donation accepted per session or per quarter.
What to Bring:
- An object to share for the “virtual” community altar – something from nature; a photo or physical object of your favorite deity or ancestor
- A poem, song, spoken word, reading from a spiritual teacher that you may be called to share.
- Your intention for the ceremony