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Experience A Profound Initiation Into Nature:
During the Ritual Healing Village 9-Day Encampment

The Encampment will open a gateway into the mystical world of indigenous spirit technologies,
the interconnectedness of Ancestors, Nature, Ritual and Community. 

Why the ritual healing village?

  • Are you seeking vision and clarity of your gifts and purpose?
  • Do you want to mark a significant transition in your life?
  • Do you long to reconnect with your inner wisdom?
  • Do you wish to connect with the forces of the elements for guidance and healing?

When Elder Malidoma began offering the Indigenous African Spiritual Technology (IAST) program many, many years ago, it was intended for those in “whom the heart of ancient Africa speaks” and those who wanted to check in for an exciting and compelling journey home where they can expect to find how much of the old in them has been waiting to burst in service of the world’s need to heal and to transform”.

That invitation still remains the same, even with his transition to the Ancestral Realm. The 9-Day Encampment was designed as rite of passage experience for anyone wanting to rise to the “next level of consciousness and spirituality.”  The East Coast Village is indeed honored to continue this legacy, offering the Ritual Healing Village 9-day Encampment to all who are seeking a path to reconnect with the healing wisdom of Africa. 

What Participants Say About the Ritual Healing Village. . .

what to expect during the ritual encampment

Camping Out In The Woods For Nine Days?

Going the through the rituals was a big initiation that has transformed each and every person that attended and placed them a step closer on their higher spiritual path.

- RHV Participant -

Yes!  We live excessively indoor lives. We have become de-naturalized and unbalanced in ways that damage our natural senses and the Earth herself. In the West, we have normalized this “nature deficit disorder” -  our fear of, domination over, and disconnection from Nature. Real, deep and lasting transformation happens in Nature. 

This destructive separation from the natural world interferes with our body, mind, and spirit. Even science has confirmed that we thrive best in Nature.  We suffer the detrimental effects of nature deficit disorder until we find ways to reconnect with nature's restorative power.

The Ritual Healing Village can be the “cure” for this disorder. Immersing in the elements of fire, water, earth, mineral and nature can be a path to decolonize the Western mind; to untangle from the conditioning of the "machine culture" and return to indigenous consciousness and communion with Mother Earth. Our Ancestors understood the power of Nature and embraced those forces within it, what we call magic.


The fire burns deep in my soul, flames flickering high
The coals of my heart turn to ash in the sky
The river water flows from Mountain to Cave
And brings my purpose as clear as day
My skin touches Earth all the way to my chest
My body buried deep, but my soul never rests
The bones tell it true, the bones of me and you
Will last lifetimes as the soul cycles new
The concrete jungle is the nature I am from
A child of the wild is the nature I've become.

- Justice (RHV Participant) -

As a rite of passage, the Ritual Healing Village Encampment is about total transformation!  Rites of passage may be described as a four-staged process (at times subtle, oftentimes deeply moving and challenging).


Orphaned Status

In this pre-initiation phase, you may feel like something is missing in your life; a void that needs to be filled; a desire for healing or divine guidance. It may seem as if you have been lingering in this orphaned state for a long time, wondering what to do or where to turn for answers.  Ask what or who is calling to you? What transformation are you seeking?


Journey, Death, and Sacrifice

This is the moment of separation from your old life and patterns of thinking. You are faced with taking the blue pill or the red pill - to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. In the case of the Ritual Healing Village, you decide to take the red pill and venture down the rabbit hole. Once in ritual space, you will be brought to the threshold of the sacred through intensive rituals of fire, water, earth, nature, and mineral. This threshold is a symbolic death - a surrendering of the old psyche, of unhealed wounds, of fears and doubt - as sacrificial offerings to the Ancestors.


Acquisition of Power and Knowledge

There will come a time when you will be rendered receptive like warm wax. In this phase, the Ancestors and spirits of nature are then able to fill you with knowledge, wisdom, clarity and renewed vision. For some, this happens instantaneously. Those moments when they recognize who they are, and who they are to become. For others, it may happen over time, a gradual knowing and growing into something else or someone else.


Affirmation and Rebirth

This is the stage of reintegration into the community, one which acknowledges and welcomes your newly acquired awareness, renewed sense of purpose, deepening of personal power, and perhaps untapped gifts of healing. As a community, we will celebrate your homecoming with a feast, song, and dance!  Welcome home!


I enjoyed being in the wild forest and sleeping in a tent and being buried in the earth (with my head out) and all the fires and beautiful brave souls.  

As a fully outdoor experience, we’ve provided a basic list of the essential gear you may need. Please go here for the list.

We highly suggest that you bring clothing suitable for getting dirty or wet. And If you need space in your luggage for other supplies, know that  the focus will not be on what you’re wearing!!  So it will be OK to pack lightly on clothing so you can bring the essentials for nine days in the wilderness. In addition to your gear, you will need to bring...

  • Pictures of the deceased loved one(s). For ancestor shrine. If photos are not available bring mementos of deceased loved ones or write their name on paper as a substitute. Do not bring photos of the living and the deceased together. Be sure that photos do not depict anyone that is still living. Protect original photos by covering with plastic, laminating, or bringing copies. 
  • Fresh flowers, colored cloth, sacred items to decorate altars.
  • Offerings - cornmeal, tobacco, sage, spirits, etc.
  • Coins or dollar bills to offer to the Shrines
  • All white outfit for the Homecoming Celebration
  • Poem, song or musical instrument for the Homecoming Celebration

Our Awesome Ritual Leadership Team

You are in good hands during the ritual healing village intensive. Elders and Medicine people form the leadership team to guide and support your journey during the encampment.

Chief Montana

Elder, Ancestral renewal & connection (ARC)

Aamirah Branch

tenbalu sob, east coast village

Robert Walker

tingan sob, east coast village

Aida Gabriel

Sjael Mastery, Pachakuti Messa Carrier

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a local event, where can I stay?

I have never been on the Land, what do I need?

Do you provide meals? I have a special diet...

I need more information, who do I contact?

ritual healing village encampment

Limited space available. Reserve your space for the upcoming RHV today. 
